Thursday, August 19, 2010

Slow Paced and Lovely

Today began with a lovely four mile run with that wonderful friend of mine-Carolyn. Oh how I love her. We started around six thirty as the sun was rising. Though it definitely could have been cooler, I don't think the sky could have been any more beautiful. We just talked and talked....I'm pretty sure we both forgot we were running, haha. Ideal!

After Carolyn left, I got all cleaned off and ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. I had cinnamon apple oatmeal. Definitely something different from my usual Luna Bar, Zone Bar), or Grape-nuts. I liked it! Way more than I expected I would. After breakfast it was time for some schoolwork. Oh joy! It went by pretty quickly, which was nice. I like not having many at-home classes. I like it a lot. I was finished by about noon, so I went upstairs, randomly motivated to clean my room. Yeah, I don't know. So, I cleaned like no other, and my room was spotless in the end. Whew.

After cleaning, I plopped on my couch to read and such for a while. It started raining outside, and everything was just perfect. I love the sound of rain...especially when I'm inside, not obligated to be doing anything, reading a good was wonderful. So wonderful, in fact, that before I knew it, I was asleep on that couch. I slept for an hour and a half or nice. So nice.

Since waking up, I've just been hanging out with Dash and Crib. Oh, and I painted my nails orange. Fingers AND toes. Yup. I do like orange, I tell you.

Later, I'm heading to hang out with some friends at Tim's house. I believe there will be pizza there...score! Hopefully it will have big crust. What's the point of pizza when the best part is shrimpy? I don't know, you tell me.


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