Thursday, August 26, 2010

Return Of The Wordy Girl...

Oops. Long time no post. My bad.

Well, Texas was absolutely wonderful. It was a really relaxed weekend on the lake with family. We all stayed in these two lake houses that were right on the water. The lake houses were so wonderful! They had plenty of room for all of us to stay and hang out in, complete with a game room and multiple balconies. There was lots of pingpong playing going on. Haha. There was a dock right behind the house that we stayed in, and it had the most beautiful view of the lake! One morning, I got up early to watch the sunrise and read from the dock. It was so beautiful that I cannot even describe it to you.... wow. Good memories.

We ended up heading back on Sunday rather than Monday, partially because we found out that my aunt was having a big heart surgery on Monday. I was praying for her literally all day on Monday, and I know the rest of my family was too. Praise the Lord, it went well! I was SO relieved when I got a text from my mom telling me that. So relieved. If you're reading this, please pray for a full recovery for my aunt.

I didn't do too much on Tuesday other than shop for gluten-free food. I'm now gluten-free, more or less. Wierd, huh? I've been feeling sick to my stomach for about three months now, and we think it's because of gluten. So, I'm taking it out of my diet. Yesterday was my first official gluten-free day, and I felt great! Sure, I'll cheat every once in a while, but not TOO much. Nobody likes to feel sick.

Yesterday, Wednesday, I had 6am volleyball practice...I only had one contact, so I definitely was not playing my best. Haha. After volleyball, I came home, got ready, and headed off for a day of classes at co-op. I love co-op, I really do. I know, I've said that before, but now you know it's still true. After co-op, Gracie and I went to Tim's house until church.

At church, we had a Jamaica reunion kind of was so great! Thinking back on Jamaica, talking about how it affected us while we are there, and how it's going to affect us now that we are back. I love my youth group. The kids in it really are so exceptional that it's inspiring.

...Which brings me to right now. Thursday morning. Another regular at-home school day. I think tonight I may go to a volleyball game at my old school with Eli, but I'm not sure. I hope so. I haven't seen Eli too much lately....I MISS HER.

Gluten-free smells wierd, but tastes fine. And gluten-free squeaks in your mouth. The first of many discoveries I'm sure I shall make in the future. Oh well, if it will keep me from feeling sick, I'm more than happy to deal with odd-smelling cereal and squeaky bread.

School time! Party, party.


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