Friday, August 13, 2010

Squeezing In Some Fun

Well, yesterday was the off-to-college goodbye party for my lovely friend Evan. She is so sweet, and I'll miss her as she moves away to Kansas. I just got to know her this year when I started homeschooling. I love her dearly. Yesterday, me and a bunch of girls headed to her lake house for some good food, swimming, and talking. It was absolutely delightful- totally relaxed and happy. Her lake house was like a charming cottage that I couldn't get enough of.

Today, I'm going to the lake with Tim's lovely family. So excited! Oh, how I love the lake. I find it silly that I haven't been to the lake all summer, and then two days a row, on different occasions, with different people, I go! So wonderful. Today we will be out on a boat for the first part of the day, and then hang out on a little island, eat lunch, play with the little kids, and such. We will have a grand time. We always do, don't we?

Yesterday, after the lake, I was exhausted, so I took a long nap in between getting home and going to volleyball. My mom woke me up about five minutes before volleyball started, so I was terribly out of it on the ride to, and during the first half hour or so of volleyball. I was in a bizarre dreamish zone. I'm surprised that I was functioning like I was. Hmm. Curious. Last night, after volleyball, I organized all of my school things. I am now officially all packed up and ready for the first day of co-op. Ready physically and mentally, that is. I take great joy out of my floral purple backpack. Thank you, Nana.

Well, I'm off for a day on the lake! Farewell, blog readers.


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