Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A New School Year, An Old Friend...

Hello, hello! Two days of co-op behind me, and many more than that ahead. So far, so good! I do like co-op, I sure do. I don't even mind the schoolwork. And the friends are great. They are great. So far, the homework load isn't bad at all. Next to nothing, actually. But that shall change, I know it. But I also know that even at it's worst it won't be as bad as the workload was at my old school. Oh my goodness. There's no way. Anyways, yes. The past couple of days have consisted of co-op, volleyball, family, and friends. Between the hours of 7:00 pm last night and 7:30 am this morning, I had two separate volleyball practices, adding up to around 3 and a half hours total. Haha.

Today, my dear friend Evan came to co-op to say goodbye before she leaves for college. She's so, I will miss her.

Can you believe it?! You're off to college. It's so crazy how one minute, you're playing house, living the elementary life, and then the next minute, you're headed full speed towards does that happen? I can't understand it.
I've loved getting to know you, beautiful girl. You are so wonderful to me, and we have such great times together. Whether it's going out to do random acts of kindness, dancing like crazy people, laughing uncontrollably, relaxing at the lake, eating Lean Cuisines, or just talking like we's great. We have good times, you and me. No denying it! And I shall miss you and your sweetness. Promise to come back and visit me? You did pinkie promise, you know. Today. At co-op. I'll hold you to that. As well as our agreement to forever greet each other if we randomly run into each other at Walmart. That's kind of a given.
We'll be talking, a lot. I can't wait to hear about your first day of classes and such! I love you girl. You're such a blessing to me.

Wow. Love her.

I'm about to go running, which I'm quite happy about. It will probably be more of a running/walking blend, considering the oven-esque temperature out there. Haha. But either way, it shall be refreshing. I guess I'm off! This new routine-ish life is good, I can get used to it.

So joyful!

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