Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just Another Day.

Hey there!

So, I'm in this wierd almost summer, but not quite, stage of life. Co-op is over, Academy is over. So, I'm not going to any more actual classes. I'm just doing some math and biology at home. Other than that, I'm basicly free for summer. Its a bittersweet feeling. Being a makes me question my identity.

Today was a fabulous day. I woke up and got ready for church. Have I mentioned that I love St. Andrews? Yeah. So, that was good. Great. You know. It was "senior day", or something official like that. All the high school graduates went up to the front and got a gift, and everyone prayed for them. It was insane to see my friends walk up there. It's not only odd that they are my friends, but its odd that that will be me in 2 years, exactly.

After church, my family and I (minus Crib; he's at Nana and Papaw's house for a few days) went to Firehouse Subs for lunch. Good stuff, I tell you. I love subs. Medium, wheat bread. Turkey and cheddar cheese. Lettuce, tomato, italian dressing. Toasted. Just saying. Get anything else, and you haven't truly lived.

So, next was small group. We met at Panera and just hung out, talked, and filled eachother in on life. I still can't believe Corrie is leaving. She's working on selling her house and's just really bizarre to me. I'll miss her, and our small group.

Yes. So, after small group, I went straight to geometry tutoring. I dislike geometry, strongly. It's not my strong point. No, not at all. But, I LOVE my tutor. She's super sweet. And she has a very granny house, which is so me. It makes me joyful. Go on, snicker away.

Ha. Ha. Anyways. After tutoring...I headed back to the church for "WOW". AKA, Wide Open Worship. Its basicly when anyone who wants to comes, eats pizza and ice cream, and then goes to worship for the kids. Its great. I had a ton of fun. Gracie and I are kind of...well, we're crazy when we are together. So, just imagine us with a bunch of little kids. And fun songs that only we know the hand motions to. Pshaaa. Yeah. We demonstrated like no other. It was a room full of youth group kids (my friends. awesomeness.) and little kids. And parents. We had a lovely time.

AND THEN, last but not least, my daddy and I headed to the grocery store, and loaded up. Lots o' food. Good food. Again with my babbling. It's a disease.

There's my day for you. I'm sure you were dying to hear all about it.

Phillippians 4:4-7. Look it up.
"The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God!" (:


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