Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hey there. Ok, long story short, I did nothing yesterday except for go to Zaza's for dinner. Literally, yes. There's yesterday. Today, however, shall be more interesting. The plan is to get picked up around 9:45 by Carolyn and Scott and head to Tim's neighborhood pool to meet Tim and Gracie there. We'll swim and hang out for a while before going to the airport. Why the airport? Carolyn is leaving around 4:00 today to go to Germany for FIVE STINKIN WEEKS! We are gonna see her off. I still can't believe it. I'm gonna miss her.

My dear Carolyn,
Hello, from Arkansas. You are probably in Germany as we speak, which is a bit mind-boggling to me. I hope you like where you are staying, and the food that you're eating, and the places you are seeing. I hope everything looks promising for a great five weeks. Just know I'll be thinking about you every day and wishing you could come over and hang out. But when you get back...oh man, some serious hanging out shall go down. Why? Because you are so wonderful. I love you a lot. And I was pleasantly surprised, and happy, to hear that you read my blog. It made me joyful. Ok...well...OH. Another thing. I suggest that you keep a journal of some sort while you are there, and write down the little (or big) experiences as they come. I'd love to read it when you get back. And take pictures! Lots of pictures! You know how I am about pictures. Ok. Well, I love you a lot Carolyn. I hope you have an amazing trip of a lifetime!

So, that was for the lovely Carolyn. After the airport, we are going to the church to pray for the middle-schoolers who are going to Nashville on a mission trip in the next week. Then we have Jamaica training. Sounds like a great day to me. Yes, yes it does.

Always blessed beyond belief.

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