Wednesday, June 30, 2010


You know how there are some things in life that you will always have a love-hate relationship with? Like, girls, hair. It's longness is pretty and girly, but it's always on our neck making us sweat during the summer! Or junk food. It's delicious, but far from nutritious.

Well, for me, electronics are a major love-hate. Television. I enjoy it, but I've gotten to where I barely watch it, which I like. And facebook, I loved it while I had it, but it sucked away my time. I ended up deleting my account, which I'm still glad about. Freedom. Well, I've moved on to texting. I'm giving it up for the month of July. Don't get me wrong, I know last time I said I was temporarily giving up facebook, I ended up deleting it. But I'll keep texting after this month. I just want a break. Texting IS a good thing, but I think a month without it will be good for me.

Not only will I have more time without it, but real life will just seem...better. More real. If that makes sense. I know that was the case with facebook. To be honest, I'm excited about seeing what God will show me in the next month. So, starting right now, I'm text-free. Call me if you need me! I am 89% sure that I'll answer.


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