Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well, I've once again let time slip away from me. It's been a while since I last blogged, hasn't it? Why is this so? I know not. But I'm blogging right this moment, and that counts for something, doesn't it?

Well...what have I been up to? Hmm. It's always hard for me to remember what I did on previous days. It's best for me to blog at the end of the day about what I've been up to, because then it's still fresh on my mind. Yesterday, I had co-op. Well, actually before co-op, I slept. In, that is. I slept in until about 8:20. My mom woke me up saying, "you know co-op starts in ten minutes, right?". Haha. That never happens. It was pretty silly. So, I ended up getting to my first period art class pretty late, but it didn't matter at all. It was just...funny, that's what. Yes. So, art was fun. We are making organic, metallic sculptures, and they are quite fun! After art, I had Spanish and Math. Both were unusually easy.

On a normal co-op day, after math I have lunch and then Persuasive writing, but oh no. Not yesterday. Writing class was cancelled! I had lunch, followed by a study hall. It was quite nice. Tim and I went on this awesome trail. We got some running in, which always makes me happy.

So, from co-op, it was time for a dentist appointment. I was 96% sure that I had a major cavity, because the back left side of my mouth had been bothering me for quite a long time! The appointment was short, sweet, and straight to the point. If I want to be out of this pain, I need to get my wisdom teeth out. Hmm. Okay. That, for some reason, doesn't really freak me out too badly. But it is a bigger deal than...say, a filling. Although I can't say I've ever had one. Anyways. Yes. Those suckers are coming out sometime soon!

From the dentist appointment, I headed to Tim's house to hang out with him and Gracie. It was great, as always. Yes. Then, it was time for Orbit.

Have I ever mentioned that I love Orbit?

It's great. It didn't fail to be great last night. It's just what I need in the middle of the week. I'm so thankful for my amazing church, the different ways I've grown there, and the awesome relationships I've developed there.

That was yesterday. It was very good. Today, I think I'm hanging out with Carolyn, which will be fabulous! I haven't gotten to see her college self very much lately, so this brings me immense joy. I love that girl.

I need to take a shower, eat some breakfast, and get started on schoolwork. I really do. Yup.

OK, well, I'm off. This was a strangely orderly post if you ask me. I feel so...civilized.


1 comment:

  1. Caylie Lane, I love ya girl!
    You bring mucho happiness to my heart.
    not even kidding.
    <3 <3
