Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You Could Be Happy

I have a week and a half until Christmas break. Only a week and a half.

You know what I love?


It's one of the best things in life, if you ask me. Not just Christmas day, but the whole season surrounding it. It's festive and cozy and special, and it all begins in a week and a half. Christmas break is the official start for me. Although, things are looking pretty Chrismasy right about now at my house. We have our Christmas tree up! Mom put orange mesh/ribbon on it this year, which was new. It's quite official if you ask me! And rather beautiful. We also have garland with the same orange stuff on our mantle. And...my favorite part...we have LIGHTS! Outside of our house! We haven't had that in over 10 years. So exciting, I tell you! The lights are even rainbow colored. Ah. Joy!

It's the best Christmas ever! Haha. It's even possible that it will snow tonight! There are no words to express what extreme excitement that would bring me.

Today is Tuesday. This week, we have another addition to our family. She goes by the name of Gracie. (For more information, please refer to the happy photo on the right side of your screen.) She came on Friday, and leaves on Saturday. That's quite a while! So great. I love her. We've been living life, being happy for the past few days. We've been drinking lots of Starbucks.

You know, I've always loved Starbucks, but I rarely get the nerve to try something new. It's not because I'm afraid of not liking it, it's just that...well...Starbucks isn't cheap. And I don't want to spend money on something that I may not like. Anyway, it was a pretty big deal when I decided to get something new yesterday. I almost always get a frap, which is always delicious, don't get me wrong. But yesterday, I was craving something warmer, something more Christmasy. So...i stepped out. I ordered a Venti (also a first!) Carmel Apple Spice with no whipped cream. It was...incredible. Magnificent. It was like apple cider, but even BETTER. I didn't even think that was possible. Take it from me...it is. Whoever you are, next time you go to Starbucks, get a Carmel Apple Spice. You shall not regret it.

Guess what? December 29th is the day. The day of the removal of those wisdom teeth of mine. I want them OUT, because they aren't too kind to my mouth. Anywho, yes. That's the deal. I shall get them out December 29th.

You Could Be Happy by Snow Patrol is an awesome song. It's like a lullaby. Last night, I got a little crazy and loaded up on music. I bought the St. Elsewhere album by Gnarls Barkley. He's a big hit in Britain...his music is pretty bouncy and fun. He has a bit of an unfortunate name, though, if you ask me. But he can't be blamed for such a thing.

My room should be cleaner than it is...


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