Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In and Out, In and Out.

That's the kind of blogger I have been lately. I know I always say my life is crazy, and I'm so busy, and all of that. But like...seriously.

The four things that are taking up a lot of my time lately are school, church, running, and theatre. School isn't necessarily worse than it has been, but it still can be boggling at times, when I'm trying to squeeze it in between the 70 thousand other things I'm trying to do. Church is wonderful, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love the teaching there, and I love the people there. Running...well, here's an interesting story for you.

So, that dear girl Carolyn and I have been planning on running the Little Rock Half Marathon together. We've both been training our booties off. I even got some much-needed new running shoes, just in time to break them in before the race. Last year, I registered for the race the week before, just to be on the safe side (in case of injury or sickness, or a crazy schedule conflict.). That's what the plan was this year as well. But...apparently running is getting more popular, because the Half Marathon filled up before I got the chance to register! When I found out, I was beyond frustrated. Beyond. I can't even express it. Not only did I not get to run this race that I'd been training for weeks and weeks for, but Carolyn didn't have anyone to run it with! Problem.

But, I have exceptionally sweet and thoughtful parents. They automatically started looking for other half marathons that I could do. They eventually found out about the Seabrook Lucky Trail Marathon, close to Galveston, Texas. I think my grandfather, who is from Austin, told them about it. Anyway, I get to run a half marathon after all! We are making it into our family's spring break trip! Carolyn is even going to come with us, so that she can run with me! We will have a grand time. We'll even get to go to the beach. I LOVE THE BEACH. More than words allow me to express. I love it. This trip will be very good.

And, the last thing of my list of things that are keeping me busy...theatre. I'm in the middle of rehearsals for a show called Review the Revue. It's so much fun, and it's going to be a great show. It just takes up a whole lot of time!

Sometimes, I like to just sit and think. And pray. I need peace in the middle of this insanity. I've found that through all of my school work, my social stuff, my long runs, my rehearsals...God is constant. He's always there, and that doesn't change. That alone gives me peace.


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