I also think I'm going to be getting a new lens for my camera very, very soon! Like, possibly tomorrow. I cannot even begin to explain how excited that makes me! I can't. I've been in a rut of not taking pictures lately, for lack of a working camera. But that is about to change! I hope. Fingers crossed, tightly.
I'll say this. As soon as I get that lens, I will start adding pictures to my blog. That's the deal. So...that will hopefully be very soon.
I had an incredible lunch today. Last night, the Schwan's man came. Our family LOVES Schwan's food. Especially me. Well...mainly me. Anyhoo. Last night, when he came, I was at the Rep doing a show. But my incredible daddio went ahead and picked out a couple of things he thought I would like, including SUSHI. I don't know if I've ever talked about sushi on this here blog, but I love sushi. It's one of those little things in life that makes me smile just thinking about it. So, for lunch today, I ate one of the sushi rolls. It was delicious. Delicious.
Only THREE more shows at the Rep! How weird is THAT? Agh, it's hard to believe. I've been so consumed with the Rep since rehearsals began, that I've forgotten what it's like to have free time. Well, not really. But still. Wow. I'm so sad that the show is ending, because I love it. I love performing. It's such a fun show, and it makes me sad just thinking about not ever being able to do it again. But I'm excited about having more free time! Though I'm sure it won't be free for long. I tend to fill up every spare second I get. What can I say? I'm definitely not a homebody.
Mimi is here! I love her.